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Sex linkage

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Sex linkage describes the sex-specific patterns of inheritance and expression when a gene is present on a sex chromosome (allosome) rather than a non-sex chromosome (autosome). Genes situated on the X-chromosome are thus termed X-linked, and are transmitted by both males and females, while genes situated on the Y-chromosome are termed Y-linked, and are transmitted by males only. As human females possess two X-chromosomes and human males possess one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome, the phenotype of a sex-linked trait can differ between males and females due to the differential number of alleles (polymorphisms) possessed for a given gene. In humans, sex-linked patterns of inheritance are termed X-linked recessive, X-linked dominant and Y-linked. The inheritance and presentation of all three differ depending on the sex of both the parent and the child. This makes sex-linked patterns of inheritance characteristically different from autosomal dominance and recessiveness.[1] This article will discuss each of these patterns of inheritance, as well as diseases that commonly arise through these sex-linked patterns of inheritance.

Background on Sex Determination and Human Sex Chromosomes


In humans (and mammals in general), biological sex is determined by genetics; however this is not the case for all animals, for instance, the biological sex of some reptiles is environmentally determined, and the sex of some worms is dependent on location.[2]

22 of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes are autosomal (not involved in sex determination), while the 23rd pair of human chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. The possession of two X-chromosomes defines a biological female, while the possession of one X and one Y chromosome defines a biological male.[3] The two sex chromosomes differ in size and gene content, and unlike the sets of autosomal chromosomes, are not homologous. The X-chromosome contains an estimated 1400 genes, most of which are involved in tissue development and the development of human disorders.[4][5] The Y-chromosome is host to the SRY gene, which is involved in the development of several male sex characteristics, while the identified functions of many of the remaining approximately 200 genes on the Y-chromosome are associated with human disease.[6] Sex linkage thus refers to the association of a trait encoded by one of the genes on these sex chromosomes. There are many more X-linked conditions than Y-linked conditions due to the larger size of the X-chromosome and greater number of genes encoded within it.[7]

In classical genetics, a mating experiment called a reciprocal cross is performed to test if an animal's trait is sex-linked.[8]

X-linked Patterns of Inheritance


A disease or trait determined by a gene on the X-chromosome demonstrates X-linked inheritance. Historically, X-linked inheritance has been divided into the patterns of X-linked dominant inheritance and X-linked recessive inheritance as synonymous with classical Mendelian inheritance of genes on autosomal chromosomes.[9]. However, more recently scholars have suggested the discontinuation of the use of the terms dominant and recessive when referring to X-linked inheritance, stating that the highly variable penetrance of X-linked traits in females as a result of mechanisms such as skewed X-inactivation or somatic mosaicism is difficult to reconcile with standard definitions of dominance and recessiveness.[10]

(A) (B) (C)
Illustration of some X-linked heredity outcomes (A) the affected father has one X-linked dominant allele, the mother is homozygous for the recessive allele: only daughters (all) will be affected. (B) the affected mother is heterozygous with one copy of the X-linked dominant allele: both daughters and sons will have 50% probability to be affected. (C) the heterozygous mother is called "carrier" because she has one copy of the recessive allele: sons will have 50% probability to be affected, 50% of unaffected daughters will become carriers like their mother.[11]

X-linked Dominant Inheritance

The phenotype of an X-linked dominant trait is exhibited by both males and females, and requires only one copy of the affected allele.

X-linked dominant inheritance is the pattern by which a trait encoded by an allele on the X-chromosome is passed down through generations, wherefore only one copy of that allele is sufficient for an individual to be affected (dominance).[12] Unlike with X-linked recessive traits, females are more often affected by X-linked dominant traits than males as females have two X-chromosomes as supposed to one. Moreover, some X-linked dominant conditions (for example, Aicardi syndrome) are embryonically or neonatally lethal in hemizygous males (XY), and thus can be seen to only affect heterozygous females, who experience less severe symptoms.[13]

Frequency and Patterns of Inheritance


In X-linked dominant inheritance, the transmission of the gene depends on the genotype of each of the parents. A mother heterozygous for an X-linked dominant trait will be affected, and half of her children (whether female or male) will inherit her affected X-chromosome and be affected themselves, assuming an unaffected father. Of the children of a father affected by an X-linked dominant trait and an unaffected mother, all daughters will be affected (having inherited their father's only affected X-chromosome), while no sons will be affected (having received their father's Y-chromosome). A child affected by an X-linked dominant condition will always have at least one affected parent, and an affected son will always have an affected mother.[14][15]

X-linked Recessive Inheritance

In X-linked recessive inheritance, males can only inherit the trait from the mother

X-linked recessive inheritance describes one of the patterns of inheritance of genetic traits or disorders encoded by an allele (version of a gene) situated on the X-chromosome. In X-linked recessive inheritance, females (XX) must have two copies of the allele (homozygous), while males (XY) require only one copy of the allele (hemizygous) to display the phenotype. Thus, it is far more common for males to be affected by X-linked recessive traits.[16][17]

A female heterozygous for an X-linked recessive trait is considered a carrier.[18] While a carrier female most often does not display the phenotype, rare cases of skewed X-chromosome inactivation, can lead to varied levels of expression. This would occur when, during the normal process of inactivating half of a female's X-chromosomes, inactivation preferentially targets X-chromosomes inherited from a single parent, thus the remaining active X-chromosomes from the other parent are disproportionately expressed.[19]

There are characteristic patterns for X-linked recessive inheritance. As each parent contributes one sex chromosome to their offspring, sons cannot receive the X-linked trait from affected fathers, who provide only a Y-chromosome. Consequently, affected males must inherit the X-linked recessive trait from their mothers. Sons of a healthy carrier female have a 50% change of being affected, while sons of an affected female will always be affected. Females must inherit a X-linked recessive allele from each parent. All daughters of an affected father and healthy non-carrier mother will be carriers. Daughters of an affected father and carrier mother will have a 50% chance of being affected, and daughters of two affected parents will always be affected.[20][21] While there is no male-to-male transmission of X-linked recessive traits, an affected male can pass his recessive X allele to a grandson through his unaffected carrier daughter.[22]

X-linked Diseases


X-linked Dominant diseases


X-linked Recessive Diseases


The incidence of X-linked recessive conditions in females is the square of that in males: for example, if 1 in 20 males in a human population are red–green color blind, then 1 in 400 females in the population are expected to be color-blind (1/20)*(1/20). Examples include:

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a severe neuromuscular disease causing progressive weakness and damage of muscle tissues,[28] leading to mobility loss and difficulties in daily activities. In a later stage of DMD, as respiratory and cardiac muscles start to degenerate, affected individuals are likely to develop complications such as respiratory failure, cardiomyopathy and heart failure.[28] 1 in 3,600 male births worldwide are affected by DMD, moreover, it presents itself at around ages 2-4 and progressively worsens.  Most DMD cases are often inherited from the mother who is a carrier of the X-linked recessive trait, however, approximately 30% occur due to random mutations that are not inherited. [29]

DMD arises from a mutation, likely to be the deletion of the exons,[30][31] a nucleotide sequence in the DMD gene that codes for dystrophin. Dystrophin is a protein responsible for strengthening and stabilizing muscle fibres.[32] With the loss of the dystrophin complex, the muscle cells would no longer be protected and therefore result in progressive damage or degeneration. Although interventions vary case by case, corticosteroids are often used to delay the progressive degeneration of muscle cells.[29]

X-linked agammaglobulinemia


X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is a primary immunodeficiency disorder that impairs the body’s ability to produce antibodies, which are proteins protecting us from disease-causing antigens, resulting in severe bacterial infections.[33]

XLA is associated with a mutation in the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene, a cytoplasmic signalling molecule, on the X chromosome. The gene is responsible for producing BTK, an enzyme regulating B cells development and maturation within the bone marrow. It is also involved in the further development of the B cells that migrate into the secondary lymphoid tissues like the lymph nodes and spleen.[34] B cells are a type of white blood cells essential in the production of antibodies, when at an early stage, called pre-B cells, they rely on expansion and survival signals involving BTK to mature.[35]

In affected individuals, their BTK gene mutations can range from point mutations to indels that alter the amino acid sequence and the structure of BTK making it faulty.[34] Therefore, the loss of BTK gene functions, prevents the maturation from pre-B cell to B cell lymphocytes hence, not able to differentiate into antibodies-producing plasma cells. With low antibodies, individuals are highly vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections.[36]

Red-green colour blindness


Red-green colour blindness is a type of colour vision deficiency (CVD) caused by a mutation in X-linked genes, affecting cone cells responsible for absorbing red or green light.[37] Primarily affecting males (1 in 12) compared to females (1 in 200), as the condition requires all the X chromosomes to have the mutations.[38]

The perception of red and green light is attributed to the Long (L) wavelength cones and Medium (M) wavelength cones respectively.[39] In Red-green colour blindness, mutations take place on the OPN1LW which impairs L-cones, and OPN1MW genes, which impairs the medium cones[40] coding for the photopigments in the cones. In milder cases, those affected exhibit reduced sensitivity to red or green light, as a result of hybridization of the genes,[40] shifting the response of one cone towards that of the other.[39] In the more extreme conditions, there is a deletion or replacement of the respective coding genes,[41] resulting in the absence of L or M cones photopigments and thus losing the ability to differentiate between red or green light completely.

Hemophilia A


Hemophilia A is a blood clotting disease caused by a genetic defect in clotting factor VIII. It causes significant susceptibility to both internal and external bleeding.[42] 1 in 5,617 live male births is affected, and the condition primarily affects males, while females are usually carriers with mild low clotting factor level symptoms, due to X-inactivation. The X-linked mutations are inherited from the mother, however, about ⅓ cases are mutations like point mutations or indels that have occurred spontaneously.[43] Mutations in the F8 gene cause hemophilia A, while mutations in the F9 gene cause hemophilia. The F8 gene encodes for coagulation factor VIII, hence with missing proteins there cannot be effective clotting of the blood.[44]

Individuals having more severe haemophilia can experience more frequent and intense bleeding, and typically severe hemophilia A affects most patients. Patients with mild haemophilia often do not experience heavy bleeding except for surgeries and significant trauma.[42]

G6PD deficiency

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, is characterized by when the enzyme that helps red blood cells to work properly. Without the enzyme red blood cells will prematurely break down leading to hemolytic anemia. This is a condition that shows a low red blood cell count since the body cannot compensate for the quick degrading cells. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is an enzyme that protects red blood cells from oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species, it will reduce the amount of ROS accumulation of ROS in the red blood cells. A mutation in the G6PD gene causes this deficiency, leaving the cells with no protective enzyme. Approximately 400 million individuals have been affected by G6PD deficiency. Since the gene is located on the X- chromosome, therefore, the condition usually affects males more than females. Since males received have the mutated gene on the X-chromosome from the carrier mothers, they tend to show the symptoms of G6PD deficiency. Since females have two X chromosomes, they are typically carriers. However, when the healthy G6PD gene-carrying chromosome is inactivated females may exhibit mild symptoms.[45]

Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is an X-linked recessive disorder that is caused by mutations in the WAS gene that encodes for the WASp protein. It is characterized by weakened immune function, eczema, and problems with blood clotting. This protein is responsible for cell movement and cell-to-cell adhesions. It relays the signals from the surface of all blood cells to the actin cytoskeleton of the cells to trigger movement and adhesion. When there is the loss of WASp due to the mutation it causes the actin cytoskeleton to not properly form, or not form at all.  In white blood cells, this becomes a problem as the lack of actin cytoskeleton does not allow it to respond to the environment and foreign invaders. Therefore, having impaired immune responses causes increased vulnerability to infections and autoimmune diseases. Moreover, a lack of WASp proteins can impair cell growth and induce early cell death. The WAS gene is located on the X-chromosome, hence primarily affecting the males who inherit the mutated X-chromosome. Females tend to be the carriers and typically do not show symptoms until the healthy X-chromosome is inactivated.[46]

Screening for Genetic diseases


Genetic screening, which includes carrier screening, prenatal screening and newborn screening may be performed to enable early detection of genetic defects.

Carrier screening


Carrier screening is conducted on prospective parent(s) to determine if they are carriers (heterozygous) for an X-linked recessive or autosomal recessive disease. Individuals who undergo carrier screening commonly have a family history of genetic disease or belong to an at-risk population and wish to determine the likelihood of having a child with a genetic disorder. Carrier screening is performed by taking a blood sample, saliva sample or buccal swab and using laboratory techniques such as next-generation sequencing or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to determine if the parent carries the allele implicated in the genetic disease.[47][48][49][50]

Prenatal screening


Prenatal screening is can be conducted on pregnant females to test for a number of genetic conditions. It is more commonly used to test for aneuploidy (for example, Down syndrome or trisomy 21), but can also be used to detect X-linked recessive or X-linked dominant disorders (for example, fragile X-syndrome). Prenatal screening involves maternal blood tests and ultrasound to defect such defects in the developing fetus. This can confirm the diagnosis of a genetic condition, allowing parents to prepare or consider terminating the pregnancy. [51][52][53]

Newborn screening


Newborn screening is conducted on infants less than a week old to test for a variety of genetic disorders, specifically those with high morbidity and mortality rates to enable early intervention. Newborn screening is conducted by analyzing the biochemistry of a spot of dried blood (often obtained via a heel prick test). This form of screening is also used to detect endocrine and metabolic disorders.[54][55]

Y-linked Inheritance


The Y chromosome

This image depicts a karyotype. The Y chromosome is at the bottom right in a red box. Note how it is notably smaller than the X chromosome, the chromosome to its left.

The Y chromosome is comprised of approximately 59 million base pairs and 200 genes, entailing approximately 66 protein-coding genes.[56][57][58] Since only biological males possess the Y chromosome, it is essential in male sexual differentiation, which results in the production of male sex hormones that lead to the development of male sex organs, reproduction, fertility, and spermatogenesis, commonly known as sperm production.[57][59][60] Additionally, due to the small length of the Y chromosome in comparison to the X chromosome, recombination is mostly suppressed, and thus it remains relatively distinct from the X chromosome, maintaining important genes for male fertility and sexual differentiation.[56] Particularly, the SRY gene on the Y chromosome is known to be involved in sex determination.[56] As well, AZF, azoospermia factor region encodes for 16 proteins, and are thus related to the production of sperm. [61]

The Y chromosome has a highly repetitive sequence, and thus had many gaps that were not able to be sequenced until recently.[56] Based on advances in the Makova Lab at Penn State and Phillippy at the Human Genome Research Institute, they successfully filled in the missing sequence gaps.[56]

The SRY gene


The SRY gene, being the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome, gives the genetic information required for the body to code for proteins that are involved in male sexual differentiation.[62] The expression of the SRY gene is regulated via a myriad of transcription factors, which is a protein that can bind to genes of interest and increase or decrease their expression.[62] Specific to SRY these include, Six1, WT1, and Gata4.[56] SRY expression is regulated spatially and temporally in a strict manner.[56] The SRY gene encodes a transcription factor called the Testes Determining Factor (Tdf), and Tdf binds to and activates another gene called Sox9.[56] Sox9 then codes a transcription factor that leads to the development of the testes via many downstream pathways that ultimately result in the targeting of Sertoli cell which is where sperm is produced and the Lydig cell, also called testicular somatic cells, which is where the androgen hormone is produced, that is essential for male sexual differentiation.[56][63] Therefore, SRY expression leads to testis development in biological XY males, and absence of SRY in biological XX females, leads to ovary development.[64]

Swyer syndrome, also known as complete gonadal dysgenesis or pure gonadal dysgenesis, is a condition that impairs the process of sexual differentiation in males.[62] Male individuals with this condition have a normal XY genotype, yet due to the impairment of the SRY gene, the protein critical in male sexual determination is non-functional or is not produced at all.[62] As a result, male sexual differentiation is prevented, and an affected individual will lack male sexual characteristics such as gonads, and will instead develop biological female-typical sex characteristics, such as a uterus, fallopian tubes, etc.[62]

Y-linked Inheritance


Y-linked inheritance, also known as Holandric inheritance, refers to genes that are inherited via the Y chromosome.[65] In other words, Y-linked inheritance involves genes that are only carried on the Y chromosome, also known as Y-linked genes.

This is a pedigree representing the offspring of individuals. Squares represent males, and circles represent females. More specifically, this pedigree depicts Y-linked or Holandric inheritance. This shows how Y-linked disorders will be passed to all son offspring, and will not be passed down at all to daughters, due to their absence of chromosome.

Inheritance of Y-linked genes can occur in two ways: complete inheritance and incomplete inheritance.[66] Complete Y-linkage results when a gene is only found on a certain area on the Y chromosome either because there is no allele i.e. a copy of that gene, on the X chromosome or because it does not exchange with the X chromosome's allele. [66] Complete Y linkage of heterogamous organisms can result in the following possible outcomes:

  • Traits that only occur in males [66][65]
  • Y-linked disorders of males will be passed on to all sons [66][65]
  • The daughters of affected men being phenotypically normal, i.e. 'normal' presenting, and not having affected offspring [66][65]

Conversely, incomplete Y linkage is when traits on a gene cross-over and exchange information between the X and Y chromosome.[66]

Y-linked Disorders:




Hypertrichosis is a genetic condition that results in the excessive growth of hair on a specific area of the body, that is abnormal for the age, sex or race of an individual.[67] Specifically, hypertrichosis centralized to the outer ear, also known as the auricle, is a Y-linked disordered, commonly referred to as hypertrichosis pinnae auris.[67] Since hypertrichosis pinnae auris is a Y-linked disorder, this means only biological men and subsequent male offspring can be affected by this disorder.[67] Tommasi C. was crucial in determining the Y-linked origin of this disorder, by creating a pedigree that elicited holandric inheritance.[67] Conversely, hypertrichosis cannot be confused with Hirustism, which is characterized by excessive androgen sensitive hair growth, and thus is most often diagnosed in women and children that tend to have male-typical hair patterns.[67]

This image depicts webbed toes, whereby there is a connection of the second and third digits.

Webbed Toes:


Webbing of the toes is the result of premature arrested development in the fetal stage.[68] The premature arrest of development results in second and third digit fusion of the skin [68]. The Y-linked trait of webbed toes causes a skin connection between the second and third digit. [69] Research studies based in a pedigree analysis have shown that webbed toes follow holandric inheritance in biological males.[68]

Infertility in Biological Males:


Y-linked genes responsible for spermatogenesis can result in male infertility, characterized by azoospermia,[70][71] or hypo-fertility, which is the hindered production of sperm [65]. Azoospermia is the absence of functional sperm in male ejaculate due to issues in sperm motility or lack of sperm production.[71] As a result, Y-chromosome linked infertility is characterized as the inability to fertilize an egg and produce children.[70] Sperm infertility results from the failure of the sperm to mature or a disfigured sperm that is not able to travel and fertilize an egg effectively. [70]

Prevalence of Y chromosome Infertility:

Male infertility affects 1 in 20 men, at 0.05% and primary spermatogenic failure accounts for a large portion of these cases. [61] More specifically, Y chromosome infertility is relatively rare at a 0.03-0.05% frequency.[70]

Etiology of Y chromosome Infertility:

Mutations to the male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) are typically the cause of spermatogenic failure, which is the reduced or absent sperm production in semen.[72] More specifically, deletions in long arm of the Y chromosome are associated with spermatogenic failure, as well some paternal lineages of the Y chromosome are associated with reduced sperm counts.[73] Y chromosome deletions are determined as the most frequent cause of genetic azoopermia, however other instances such as rearrangements, deletions and duplications may contribute to infertile biological males.[73]

Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy


Thus far, this article has discussed the patterns of inheritance of sex-linked genes / traits in diploid organisms with the canonical XX (female) or XY (male) genotype. However, there exists a very small fraction of the human population with aneuploidy (an abnormal number) of the sex chromosomes[74]. This includes monosomy of the X-chromosome (XO genotype), also called Turner Syndrome, in which up to 0.04% of females are born with one X-chromosome as supposed to two. Turner Syndrome can result in developmental and health-related issues, including short stature, problems with ovarian development, and congenital heart defects[75]. Females can also present with trisomy of the X-chromosome, or the XXX genotype, which can result in tall stature, and in some cases, delayed development of speech, language, and motor functions[76]. Sex chromosome aneuploidy which results in male development includes the XXY genotype, and very rarely, the XXYY genotype[74]. XXY, also known as Klinefelter syndrome, can result in a variety of symptoms, the severity of which is widely variable. Symptoms may include tall stature and reduced testosterone production, leading to delayed or incomplete development of male sex characteristics. Those with Klinefelter syndrome will also be at greater risk for developing of learning disorders, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and metabolic syndromes[77]. Males with the XXYY genotype exhibit similar but often more severe symptoms to Klinefelter syndrome, and are infertile[78].

It is notable that, while sex chromosome aneuploidy is not an inherited condition (and instead arises due to nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes during meiosis) in individuals with an abnormal number of sex chromosomes, the patterns of inheritance and expression of sex-linked genes and traits will vary from those discussed for XX and XY individuals. This is largely due to the dosage imbalance of one or both of the sex-chromosomes. For instance, a XO female with Turner syndrome would be affected by X-linked recessive traits in the same way as XY males, lacking a second X-chromosome encoding a dominant allele to mask the recessive phenotype. Moreover, inactivation of all but one X-chromosomes by Xist, and the fact that nondisjunction during meiosis can lead to aneuploidy in either all or some of the body's cells, can lead to genetic mosaicism and intermediate phenotypes [74].

Sex-linkage in Non-Human Animals


Most mammals, including humans, use the XY sex determination system and thus follow the same patterns of sex-linked inheritance discussed herein so long as the sex chromosomes are present in normal ploidy (diploidy)[79]. However, patterns of inheritance of sex-linked traits differ in animals that use sex-determination systems other than XY. For instance, in the ZW sex-determination system used by birds, the mammalian pattern is reversed, since the male is the homogametic (ZZ) and the female is heterogametic (ZW)[80].

Drosophila melanogaster, a common model organism in genetics and developmental biology, carry both the X and Y sex chromosomes. However, the rules of sex determination are not the same as in humans and other placental mammals in which sex is determined by the presence or absence of the Y-chromosome. Instead, sex is determined by the ratio of X-chromosomes to autosomes, the X:A ratio. A ratio of 1:2 results in male development, while a ratio of 1:1 results in female development. Drosophila have two autosomes, thus XO and XY flies are males (1X:2A), while XX flies are females (2X:2A). As the X-chromosome makes up a far more significant portion of the genome, far more genes are sex-linked in Drosophila as compared to humans[81]. Moreover, the mechanism of dosage compensation in Drosophila is not X-inactivation in females, but the two-fold upregulation of expression of genes encoded on the X-chromosome in males[82].

Much of the scientific knowledge on sex-linked traits was derived from observations and experimental evidence made in non-human animals. Some of the discoveries instrumental to forming this body of knowledge include:


It is important to distinguish between sex-linked characters, which are controlled by genes on sex chromosomes, and two other categories.[86]

Sex-influenced traits


Sex-influenced or sex-conditioned traits are phenotypes affected by whether they appear in a male or female body.[87] Even in a homozygous dominant or recessive female the condition may not be expressed fully. Example: baldness in humans.

Sex-limited traits


These are characters only expressed in one sex. They may be caused by genes on either autosomal or sex chromosomes.[87] Examples: female sterility in Drosophila; and many polymorphic characters in insects, especially in relation to mimicry. Closely linked genes on autosomes called "supergenes" are often responsible for the latter.[88][89][90]


Experimental cross performed by Thomas Hunt Morgan, illustrating the X-linked inheritance of white-eyed mutation in fruit flies[91]

Discovery of Sex Chromosomes


Sex chromosomes and how they interact with Mendelian inheritance were discovered by Nettie Stevens.[56] Stevens found that biological females carry two X chromosomes and males carry one X, and was the first to determine that they also carried a small Y chromosome.[56] With the identification of the Y chromosome, Stevens was able to link its presence with male development.[56]

Discovery of X-linked Inheritance


Red-green colour blindness was the first X-linked genetic disorder described on paper, in 1794 by John Dalton, who was affected by the disorder himself.[92] However, it was not until later that the inheritance pattern and genetics were worked out. The X-chromosome was discovered in 1890 by Hermann Henking,[93] then in 1910, Thomas Hunt Morgan discovered an X-linked mutation on a Drosophila,[94] who then conducted experiments and observations to understand the X-linked inheritance.

Discovery of X-inactivation


In 1961, Mary Lyon proposed that one of the two X chromosomes in female mammalian cells would experience random inactivation (see X-chromosome inactivation) in the early embryonic stage.[95] According to her hypothesis, both males and females should have one single X chromosome that is active. This enhanced the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of X-linked inheritance.

See also



  1. ^ Kumar, Rahul; Gautam, Akash; Singh, Shashi Bala (2020), "Sex-Linked", in Vonk, Jennifer; Shackelford, Todd (eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1–4, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_562-1, ISBN 978-3-319-47829-6, retrieved 10 March 2025
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